All about our candles.

FAQs about our Soy Wax Candles

  • Yes, soy candles are considered 100% natural as they are made from soybean oil, a natural and renewable resource.

  • Soy candles produce minimal smoke when burned. However, trimming the wick before each use is essential to ensure a clean and smoke-free burn.

  • Yes, soy candles are vegan-friendly as they do not contain any animal-derived ingredients. They are an excellent choice for individuals following a vegan lifestyle.

  • Yes, soy candles are considered more environmentally friendly than paraffin candles. They are made from renewable resource and produce fewer toxins when burned.

  • While soy candles may be slightly more expensive than paraffin candles, their longer burn time and cleaner burn make them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

  • Yes! We take your well-being seriously. That's why we use only the highest-quality, phthalate-free fragrance oils in our candles.

  • Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in various products to make them more flexible or durable. You might find them in plastics, cosmetics, and household items.

    The concern is with specific phthalates, like DEP, which can be used in fragrances, candles, and soaps.

    Some companies claim to be "phthalate-free" but only avoid certain types, which can be misleading.

  • Unlike mass-produced candles, small-batch candles are handcrafted in much smaller quantities. This can range from a few candles at a time to a few dozen.
    Small batches allow for closer attention to detail during the entire candle-making process. This can result in a more consistent and higher-quality product.
    Small-batch candles tend to be fresher and offer a stronger and more vibrant fragrance throw because they're made in smaller quantities.

  • It depends on how many candles we make in a day. A typical “batch” is twelve; we usually make multiple batches per candle-making day. This process can take up to 8 or more hours in a single day.

    Once all of the candles have been poured, though, they will take around two weeks to cure.

    After the candles have been poured and cured, we will label everything and prepare them for you to bring home!

  • We prioritize a relaxing and hassle-free candle experience. Cotton wicks offer several advantages:

    Clean and Consistent Burn: They provide a steady, predictable flame that ensures you get the most out of your candle's fragrance and ambiance.

    Bright Light: The clean burn of cotton wicks results in a brighter flame, ideal for illuminating your space and creating a warm atmosphere.

    Lighting: Cotton wicks generally light more easily with a standard lighter. Wooden wicks may require a longer exposure to the flame to ignite.

    Maintenance: Cotton wicks require minimal trimming, while wooden wicks may need trimming more frequently to maintain a clean burn.

    Soot: Cotton wicks typically produce less soot than wooden wicks. This helps keep your candle and surrounding areas cleaner.

  • While we don't currently have a brick-and-mortar store (yet!), we're committed to making our candles accessible to you! Here are a couple of ways to experience them in person:

    Events: Check out our "Find Us" section for upcoming events where you can meet us and see our candles firsthand. We love connecting with customers and sharing our passion for fragrance!

    Retail Partners: We're proud to partner with several fantastic retailers who carry our candles. Visit our "Find Us" section to discover locations near you where you can browse and purchase our collection.

How are scented candles made?

Here's a glimpse into our soy candle making process:

Step 1

Melting the Soy Flakes: We gently melt the soy wax flakes, heating them to a specific temperature to ensure a smooth consistency.

Step 2

Adding the Fragrance Oils: Once the wax reaches the ideal temperature, fragrance oils are carefully added. This crucial temperature allows the fragrance oil to bind properly with the wax, preventing separation.

Step 3

Stirring for Perfection: The mixture is gently stirred for a specific time after adding the fragrance oils. This ensures the fragrance oils are thoroughly incorporated throughout the wax, resulting in a well-scented candle.

Step 4

Cooling and Pouring: Once the fragrant wax has cooled to a specific temperature, it is carefully poured into the chosen candle vessels. The candles are then left undisturbed to cool completely and set. This allows for a clean burn and a beautiful finished product.

A few great reasons to choose our soy wax candles.

Eco-Friendly: Soy wax is 100% biodegradable, renewable, and sustainable

Clean Burn: Say goodbye to soot and harmful toxins! Soy wax candles produce minimal soot, ensuring a healthier ambiance.

Longer Burn Time: Enjoy a long-lasting candle. Soy wax burns slowly, giving you hours of delightful fragrance.

We believe in creating candles that are as good for you as they are for your home. That's why we use only 100% natural soy wax, made from soybeans grown right here in the USA.

Soy wax burns cleaner than traditional paraffin wax, meaning less soot and a longer-lasting fragrance experience. Plus, it's a renewable resource that supports American farmers.

Combined with our clean-burning fragrance oils, our soy wax candles offer a guilt-free way to fill your home with beautiful scents.